Educational Program through International Collaboration on Architecture and Urban Design

in the International Graduate Program 2008, Tokyo Institute of Technology (for the enrollment in October, 2008)

General Information

The Department of Architecture and Building Engineering was launched in 1907 as a course of the Tokyo Techfs former institution, the Tokyo Technical High School (founded in 1881). It is one of the oldest architectural schools among Japanfs universities. With its one-hundred-year history it has enjoyed high reputation in and out of Japan with many of its graduates having become renowned architects, engineers and scholars.

This program is specially tailored to meet the needs of young architects and architectural students from abroad and home. An increasing number of younger generations in Europe and the United States as well as in other parts of the world have become interested in the design scene in Japan, especially in big cities such as Tokyo. The state-of-the-art designs expressed on the buildings in Japan backed by advanced technology have attracted them.   This program offers them a unique opportunity to delve into such design activities in Japan and help them to gain higher design skills through emerging architectural concepts, design studios, field works, workshops, and intensive research programs. Japanese students also join this special program. Working together, students with different cultural backgrounds can stir up and get a deeper understanding of other innovative ways of design and ideas.
All the lectures, degree juries, and administration in this program are basically offered in English.   The program is enhanced by various measures and environments that include expert lectures and project supervision by short-term visiting professors from affiliated overseas universities, Web-based lectures using internet, international exchange workshop for Urban & Architectural design, IT design station, teaching assistantships for foreign research students, and exchange of students with affiliated universities. These measures and environments would strengthen the effect of collaborative study and mutual enlightenment amongst overseas and Japanese students, making the department more globalized and competitive and thereby generate a strong international network of young leaders of architects/ engineers/ researchers.

The particulars of the Program

1) Aim of the program
Architectural activities are worldwide now. It is important for younger generation to think of their future with a wide and an inter-cultural view. In order to foster leading architects, engineers and researchers who can play an important part in the world design and technological scene, this program offers a special course that comprises of joint classes in design studios and research workshops for an international group of foreign and Japanese students. Based on an understanding of each cultural background, such joint programs can contribute to enhancing the student's ability through discussions with colleagues and professors.

2) Degree conferred
This program is solely for master course students. The degree conferred at the graduation is Master of Engineering.

3) Application to the program
Applicants to this program are first required to make a contact with an academic advisor in the Department of Architecture and Building Engineering. The names and specialties of the academic advisors who can discuss the interests and needs of the applicant are shown in the latter part of this Homepage of the Department of Architecture and Building Engineering, Tokyo Tech. To reach any one of them, first email to the contact person, Professor H. Fujioka (email: ), who is in charge of the program of the department. He will introduce one the advisors according to the applicant's request. Applicants are highly recommended to access the contact person by November 7th 2007 to make the application procedure smoother. Notice that any applicant from non-English speaking country must submit TOEFL, TOEIC or IELTS scores along with the application form.
To get a future academic advisor's recommendation needed to apply to this program, the applicant should submit his/her portfolios and a study plan in Japan written in English, both of which will be carefully evaluated. If portfolios include collaborative works, applicants should define their role in the project. Having gone through the above mentioned process, by December 7th 2007 the applicants are to submit the required forms whose application format in PDF style can be downloaded from the Tokyo Techfs website ( The applicants are required to carefully check the eligibility on pages 5 and 6 of gGeneral Informationh in PDF style that is also on the website.

4) Curriculum
As the Architectural Design Course in the Department of Architecture and Building Engineering is chiefly in charge of the program, the lectures, design studios and workshops are offered by the course. The curriculum of the course is shown at the end of this document. They are basically conducted in English. The flowchart of the program is shown in Fig 1.

5) Supporting system for the students
Every student in this program will have an academic advisor to help the student study in Japan. The advisor will offer advice regarding academic matters as well as Japanese culture and lifestyle. A sub-advisor will assist each student.


Courses Offered
